Come On brothers and sisters, let's promote TRUTH, on facebook wall, groups, pages, twitter


Many of us, at some point of our lives, must have thought that what are we doing and where we are going. At this point it is very useful to take a look at whom we following and from where we getting directions. In this regard there is a very useful rule: "A Tree is known by the fruit it produces."
Today, many of us, especially youth are following the Western and Bollywood ideology of life. And we are doing that blindly. However, we should sometime put a stop to all that and think about this tree and what kind of fruits it producing.

What they show on screen is a 60 to 90 minutes of fancy lifestyle and happy moments. However what goes on behind the screen and what impact, those infront of the screen take, is important. Most people call Maulvis, Mullahs as hypocrites. That maybe true in some cases. However, if we compare on a mass scale, the most hypocrite people on this planet are the actors, singers, anchors, jokers etc etc. The simple definition of hypocrisy is when you preach something on which you yourself dont act. If we look at their lifestyle, they are the most ill mannered, the most bad ikhlaq, the most arrogant and rude, the most short tempered, the most selfish people on earth. Lying, Backbiting, envy & jealousy, double facedness, dirty politics, immorality, playing with other people's emotions, using others like a tissue paper are daily routine acts of these people. You dont believe it, just keep a check at news related to scandals of these super starts. What kind of characters they have will become obvious from that.

Some of them preach peace and happy moments, however they themselves die drinking or committing suicide. For money they can do role of a Muslim, a hindu, an athiest, an immoral person, a righteous person, a depressed person, a happy person, a tyrant, a just person, a homosexual, a prostitute etc. So what actually is their real character and what is their real self? What they preach and how they really are? Are they good enough to be made ideals and followed is the big question!

People, especially young ones curse mullahs a lot and bring examples from lives of mullahs and say "They are hypocrites!" and use this as an excuse for not practicing Islam. However they do not realize that while making comparison, there should be a balance. For example if i compare two things, they should be of somewhat same level. I cannot bring the best piece of one object and the worst of second and compare them. This is foolishness. What most of us do is bring the worst example of people practicing Islam (some maulvis bad acts) and compare them with the best example of politician, actor, singer, poet, journalist etc. This is unfair. This is not even a comparison. If you want to compare, then pick the best personality from Islam i-e Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and then pick your best man, and then i will see what you compare. If you want comparison then lets pick the worst person from the ideals we have (actors, singers, politicians etc) and the worst mullah, and i can bet that still i am going to have the mullah as a better and less harmful person to the society! I repeat again: WORST VS THE WORST. Not Worst vs You or Worst vs Allama Iqbal.

Stop deceiving yourself brothers & sisters. The tree which you are following is producing nothing but rotten apples. A depressing and pathetic life awaits you if you still dont decide whom to really follow. What this tree produces can be seen from the social structure of the west and that is enough as an example. May Allah help us understand. aameen
