Asalam o alaikum wr wb. Many people have asked me this question and this issue is a confusion among many people so im sharing some very important points related to this issue. It is consensus of early scholars that the wasta of rasul Allah (s.a.w) cannot be given in dua. People ask why? Whats the problem? The problem is that this can lead to shirk in Allah's attributes. HOW???
When a person says "Ya Allah apko Rasul ka wasta, sahaba ka wasta, waliyon ka wasta..." while making dua, the person is actually saying that someone has a right over Allah. Meaning that Allah Almighty is being made bound to answer the supplication. Brothers & sisters this is shirk in Allah's attribute: Al Aziz (The defeater Who is not defeated), 'Al Jabbar' (The Compeller Who cannot be compelled), Al-Mutakabbir (The imperious), 'Al Qawee' (The One with complete power), 'Al Matin' (The One with extreme power). Imagine the meanings of these attributes and names of Allah Almighty and then imagine can you force Allah Almighty to accept a dua by giving wasta of someone? The concept behind wasta as already described above is that Allah will be bound to accept it and wont be able to deny the dua. Nauzbillah. If this is not shirk then what is shirk?? People give examples of president that you have to go there with some reference. The thing is that why we need a reference??? It is to put pressure on some authority to accept your case. Can Allah Almighty be put pressure? The thing is that president is a human being and has some weaknesses, whereas Allah Rabbul aalameen is "As Salam" (The one free from all defects and shortcomings)
"The phrase “By the right of so-and-so,” even if he had a right over Allaah on account of a promise that He had made to him, has no relation to Allaah’s response to the supplication of the supplicator. It is as if he said, “Since so-and-so is one of your devoted servants, answer my prayer.” What is the relationship between the two and what requires the other to be answered? This is actually an act of trespassing the limits of supplications. Allaah has said: “Call on your Lord with humility and in private; for He does not like those who trespass the limits” [7: 55] [This] manner of beseeching Allaah is an innovation. It has never been narrated from the Prophet (s), any of his Companions, nor any of the Successors and not from any of the Imaams; it is only found in the temples and amulets that are written by ignorant people and the Soofee Tareeqahs." (Commentary on 'The Radiance of faith' Page 94)