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Asalam o alaykum wr wb. Once a person steps into Islam and submits to Allah Almighty and stars practicing Islam, then that person willingly or unwillingly becomes representative of Allah's deen. Many of us want to do a lot for Allah's religion after coming into it, and this process of 'doing a lot' is known as dawah. And those people who want to get involved in this are known as Da'ee. A da'ee is not only a representative of Allah's deen, but also carries on his/her shoulder the responsibility of either bringing someone closer to Allah or making one run away from Allah. And the later is a huge thing and crime. So lets be serious about this issue and not treat dawa'h as a hobby and try to learn some good traits which a da'ee must possess.

First of all, there are some very common traits which i am sure we all know and need not discuss. These are: Ikhlas (khalis niyat) to Allah, Trust in Allah, Dua to Allah etc. However I want to discuss some traits which we lack and must give attention to. This may get lengthy, but very beneficial for those who are sincere.


Prophet sallalaho alayhi wassalam said: "Seeking of knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim." (Ibn Majah, 1/224. Tirmidhi 218)
The scholars are unanimous that the word "Knowledge" in this hadith means Islam.
Some people think that they are born scholars and they do not need to learn any knowledge. However Allah Almighty praised those who have knowledge and asked a simple question to such people:
"...Say: 'Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know?" (39:9)
"..Allah will raise up, to ranks those of you who believe and have been granted knowledge." (58:11)

Gaining basic knowledge before entering the field of dawah is very important. Basic knowledge includes Study of Holy Quran translation, Aqeedah, Ahadith books like Riyad us saliheen, Basic Fiqh books like bulugh ul maram and biography of Holy Prophet pbuh. Reading biography is most important. Because it is what will teach us how to give dawah. Gaining knowledge doesn't at all mean going to madrassa for 8 years. However it also doesn't mean reading 1 ayah of Quran and 1 hadith and thinking oneself to be scholar. Usually young people are involved in this where they read some ayah or hadith and they think they have got it all and they can talk on anything. What happens is that they do not only deviate themselves but also make others run away from Islam. Prophet Muhammad sallalaho alayhi wassalam said:
"Facilitate things to people (concerning religious matters), and do not make it hard for them and give them good tidings and do not make them run away (from Islam)." ( Sahih Bukhari-Book 3, Number 69)

Beware of doing this brothers & sisters. We may end up explaining some ayah or hadith, or fitting it somewhere, in a manner, which is not actually intended by Allah & His messenger. And ive seen many young people do that. We need to be very very careful in this. Its a serious SERIOUS crime.


What is a moderate approach? To know the answer of this question, first of all we need to know our circle of daawah. The scholars defined this circle to be:
1- Family --- 2- Relatives --- 3- Neighbours & Friends --- 4- Local Community --- 5- National --- 6- International
However, many of us especially young people run this circle completely opposite like:
1- International --- 2- National --- 3- Local community .......
This is not at all a wise thing to do and is also against sunnah. We want to target & do huge things while not knowing our calibre and responsibilities. Prophet sallalaho alayhi wassalam said:
"..Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately.' (Sahih Bukhari 8/470)

Also Allah Almighty taught us moderation and deliberation through His own amal. Strange? Ibn Qayyim when asked about the question "Why did Allah create the Heavens & Earth in 6 days when He could have created in split seconds by saying "KUN FAYA KOON"?
One of the reasons, among 6,7 reasons that Ibn Qayyim (r) mentioned while answering this was:
"Allah wanted to teach His creation deliberation & moderation. And this is a GREAT parable. If Rabbul Aalameen, the One free from all faults is adopting deliberation, then how about us, full of faults human beings?"

So we need to be very careful. This is an age of immense flood of Islamic knowledge everywhere, especially on the internet. U can see one video of some scholar and THAT'S IT! U will say "I WILL DO SUCH AND SUCH THING." And then u get indulged in that thing. Later on u see another video and u say "I WILL ALSO DO THIS!" And then u get indulged in another thing. Later on u see some organization and u say "I WILL MAKE SUCH AN ORG. TOO." And that is how u get too much excited and get involved in so many things that it becomes impossible for u to handle all and u end up doing nothing. Be moderate brothers & sisters. See your calibre, see how much knowledge you have, see are u fulfiling farz responsibilities and:
"..keep your duty to Allah and fear Him as much AS YOU CAN." (64:16)
May Allah help us adopt moderation and do deeds in which we are constant. Aameen

This field is such vast that this post does not justify this topic at all. I wanted to discuss so many things but thought that people would get afraid by seeing the length of this post. So Insha Allah i will discuss in episodes. This series is "To be continued.." and insha Allah in next i will discuss "Not boring people" & "Hikmah" with details and examples insha Allah.

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Asalam o alaykum. Many people keep asking me why I always advise them to study about aqeedah issues and make aqeedah strong. So here is just one branch of aqeedah i am sharing and the benefit it can bring. Belief in Qadar (destiny). It might be long. But i dont care. You people have to read this if you want so many of your matters come to ease.

1- It is from completion of Eemaan and Eemaan is incomplete without it.
2- Security from Shirk. Many people who do not have a firm belief and knowledge about qadr, fall into idolatrous beliefs and even challenge Allah Almighty on some occassions like the bollywood kaafirs who make songs like "Tarap tarap ke is dil se ah nikalti rahi. Mujko saza di pyar ki. Aisa kia gunah kia?"
3- It allows humans referring their affairs to their Lord Allah. Because humans know that everything is according to Allah's destiy. They will turn to Him in times of difficulty to repel and remove it from them (by making dua), and they will attribute their times of good to Allah and know that it is a favor from Him. Hence knowing their status at all times and not to complain and be ungrateful in hard times and not to be proud when they do good.
4- Calamities become easier to deal with when humans know that they are ultimately from Allah as a test.
5- Attribution of worldly pleasures like wealth etc, to their true source prevents their attribution to their immediate providers. Hence one only bows to Allah, not to their bosses or masters.
6- Humans come to know their Lord and attain His nearness and come to know His wisdom through belief in Qadr. If they reflect on the creation and the incredible things occuring in it, they become aquainted with Allah's wisdom.


1- A patient personality
Proper knowledge that whatever happens is by Allah's decree gives one the ability to patiently bear the most difficult of times. When things do not happen as planned, the person with strong aqeedah accepts that there must be Allah's wisdom in that and this thought saves him/her from so many depressions and diseases. There are so many cases in the west when one person loses a job or wealth or doesn't get married to a girl (especially Hindu foolish culture), they commit suicide.

2- A contended personality
Knowledge that whatever wealth is gathered was already written gives the individual a sense of contentment when he or she fails in their effort to gain more. The person with strong aqeedah is hence encouraged to strive to attain the best of the afterworld. Because he/she is in a contended state.

3- A stable personality
Belief in destiny also keeps one from falling into despair or from being consumed with regrets and daydreams about what might have been. It also makes a person stable in the sense that he/she will remain free from extremes of happiness that cause one to forget Allah and the extremes of sadness that cause the ignorant to lose hope and blame Allah.

So imagine my brothers & sisters, what person we will become if we get proper knowledge of aqeedah and about Allah and what is our reality. All our problems can be overcome if we become the personality mentioned above. Are u still not convinced we should build our aqeedah more and more strong? 
Another Important point is Belief in destiny and having a strong aqeedah will also save us going from sooth sayers and peers and magicians and astrologers etc. Because we Know the Sift of Allah Almighty with firm heart. And that Sift (attribute) is "AL HAKEEM" (THE MOST WISE). So we know whatever Allah has decided for us has immense wisdom and we don't have to worry about what will happen or what shouldn't have happened. We just need to turn to Allah Almighty, the One in whose Hands all affairs are.

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There are many harmful effects of watching movies & tv series. The most dangerous of them is that movies & tv series destroy our understanding of true aqeedah about life, and that a person starts living in wonderlands and gets more and more away from real life.

Movies & TV serials are like stimulators. Let me give one example. There can be some bad memory of yours, which is not that much bad and deep rooted in you. But then suddenly, you watch DEVDAS, or maybe you watch some pathetic ultra sad movie or tv serial of some low-life loser character, and all of a sudden all your bad memories are stimulated and you go into a sad condition as well! And this 1 day when u are in this condition, can effect lots of your matters. This is what these things do. They are like stimulators. And can stimulate very dangerous things inside u. To mention another:

And here is the most DANGEROUS of all effects!! And that is for sure ---->

Anyone who watches Movies & Tv series on a very regular basis, loses his/her own personality and tries to act like what he/she sees. From talking style to thinking. Everything becomes that of the movie or tv serial characters. And this thing is so dangerous, that this even effects lots of decisions which we people take in LIFE! YES! IN "REAL LIFE". And believe me. That is a huuuge thing!

When our life decisions are based on inspiration from movies & tv series and lousy characters, then that is the ultimate limit of pathetic-ness and this means we are useless & nothing. Because anyone who loose their own personality and become the character of some movie or tv serial, and allow it to effect them to such an extent that it not only starts effecting their speech and body language BUT ALSO life decisions and become a criteria for them of 'what to do in life', then that means that person is a LOSER and a useless blind follower who has no self-respect what so ever and who bends to every wind flowing out there. Even if some TV actor tells them to take out their undergarment and put it on their face and become cool spider man. Trust me: THEY WILL!!

And believe me, that is one of the characteristics of dajjal that he will attract people like this and many will get attracted. (im not calling tv a dajjal, i believe dajjal to be a person but i consider these tools to be his best weapons). So make your choice everyone. Whether to let your life go on like this and become blind followers of movie & tv serial characters (dajjal) OR to have a free thinking mind and personality of your own. I mean COME ON! Have some self respect. You are no puppet. You have a thinking mind and a heart.

If you truly want to be a follower and follow someone in talking style and walking and thinking etc etc, then that 1 perfect person on this earth is Prophet Muhammad (sallalaho alayhi wassalam). Try to copy him without any shame or hesitation, and then see the changes it brings to your life. Trust me. Sisters you wont have to call QTV for your problems if you do that. Brothers you wont have to live a low life if you do that. Trust me. I am trying insha Allah. Lets vow to try to copy him insha Allah from this day onwards. O Allah give us istaqamah. Aaameen

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Alhamdulilah. Allahumma salli wassalim ala nabbiyina Muhammad.

Qaum mazhab se hai, mazhab jo nahin, tum bhi nahi
Jazb-e-baham jo nahin, mehfil-e-anjum bhi nahi

The voice of my heart is for all those who are shameful about their religion. Who lower their heads with shame and become apologetic when Islam is attacked or blamed for something. Who do not keep a beard because they are way too sensitive about what the society will say. Who do not cover their heads and cover their bodies because of sense of inferiority complex and fear of being ridiculed in the society. Who feel shame in taking name of their Lord Allah and praising Him infront of people. Who feel shame in saying "ASALAM O ALAIKUM" or replying to salam. Who feel shame in playing tilawat on their stereo sytem. Who feel shame to sit in first row in religious khutbas.

Know that the Kafir is not shameful about his religion. See a Hollywood movie, Tv series, Tv show, comedy show and notice how often they say "JESUS" when something bad or unpleasant or surprising happens. Write "Statue of Liberty in popular culture" on wikipedia, and see how much reference is made to it either by showing it or mentioning it. Its shown at start of some movies as well. What is statue of liberty? Go to Bible. Read book of Revelations, to know who this idol is.

See a bollywood movie. They show their idols or puuja of them before the start of movie. They refer to their idols so much in their movies. They show scences of praying and bowing to their idols so much in their dramas and movies. They even make songs "harey karishna harey raam" and make muslims chant these songs. They even name their movies "Om jai jagdeesh". They even name their characters "Parvati" and show her as an ideal follower of their so-called goddess parvati and promote that every girl should be like her. They make so much reference to their traditions like mangal suutar etc. Man they are so proud!
But what do we have? Girls named khadija ayesha etc in dramas promoting examples of Mother Khadija and Mother ayesha? We have weddings, but with Muslim traditions or Hindu? We have media promoting Islamic culture or Hindu & western?

You fools! Don't you get it? We are being deceived. They are making us apologetic of our religion and telling us that they are secular but in reality they are firm on their religion and promoting their religion and imposing their religion on us. Did Allah Almighty say this to arabs of 7th century only?
"Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you till (they make) you follow their RELIGION." (2:120)

They have movie makers like mel gibson who makes a movie on his faith and feels no shame or fear infront of billions of people and tells them that jews killed jesus. But what do we have? Apologetic men like Shoaib Mansoor. Media like geo tv. Print media like express tribune. Defaming their own people, defaming their own religion. Telling all the world that YES WE ARE BAD. Come give us your religion.

All this condition of us reminds me of the couplet of Jawab e shikwa:

Haath bezor haiN, ilhad se dil khugar haiN
Ummati baa'is-e-ruswai-e-paighambar haiN.
Butshikan uth gaye, baaqi jo rahe butgar haiN
Tha Brahim pidar, aur pisar Azar haiN.

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The first 10 days of ‘Zul-hijjah’ (Islamic month) have come and bring along the bliss from your LORD! A chance you may feel regret if you lose!
O you whose hard heart is as dark as the night, is it not time that your heart must be filled with light and become soft? Expose yourself to the gentle breeze of your Lord’s mercy during these ten days, for Allaah will cause this breeze to touch whomever He wills, and whoever is touched by it will be happy on the Day of Judgement. There is much to be gained, so make the most of the opportunity afforded by these invaluable and irreplaceable ten days. Hasten to do good deeds, before death strikes, before one can regret one’s negligence and failure to act, before one is asked to return to a place where no prayers will be answered, before death intervenes between the hopeful one and the things he hopes for, before you are trapped with your deeds in the grave. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad and all his Family and Companions. Ameen!

Virtues of these days
1.These are the best 10 DAYS of this world. Even better than Ramadan. (But not the last 10 NIGHTS of Ramadan) Ibn ‘Abbaas R.A reported that the Prophet SAW said: "There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allaah than these ten days." The people asked, "Not even Jihaad for the sake of Allaah?" He said, "Not even jihaad for the sake of Allaah, except in the case of a man who went out to fight giving himself and his wealth up for the cause, and came back with nothing." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 2/457)
2. One of these ten days is the day of Arafah (ninth of Zilhajjah). In Saheeh Muslim it was narrated from ‘Aa’ishah R.A that the Prophet SAW said: “There is no day on which Allaah frees more people from the Fire than the Day of ‘Arafaah. He comes close and expresses His pride to the angels, saying, ‘What do these people want?’”
3. These days also include Yawm al-Nahar (the Day of Sacrifice and Eid), the greatest day of the entire year and the greatest day of Hajj, which combines acts of worship in a way unlike any other day.
5. Allaah swears an oath by them, and swearing an oath by something is indicative of its importance and great benefit. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "By the dawn; by the ten nights" [al-Fajr 89:1-2]. Ibn ‘Abbaas, Ibn al-Zubayr, Mujaahid and others of the earlier and later generations said that this refers to the first ten days of Dhu’l-Hijjah. Ibn Katheer said: "This is the correct opinion." (Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 8/413)
4. All the five pillars could be performed in these ten days.
Things to do in these 10 days
1. Hajj and Umrah (pilgrimage): These are the days of pilgrimage and we all know the virtue of them both: It was narrated in Bukhari and Muslim that Abu Hurayrah R.A said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah SAW say: “Whoever performs Hajj and does not utter obscenities or commit sin, will come back as on the day when his mother bore him.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1521; Muslim, 1350.
2. Sawm (Fasting): The Prophet SAW used to fast on the first nine days of Dhu’l-Hijjah. It was narrated from Hunaydah ibn Khaalid from his wife, that one of the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to fast on the first nine days of Dhu’l-Hijjah… end quote. (Narrated by al-Nasaa’i, 4/205 and by Abu Dawood; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 2/462)
Fasting on the Day of Arafah: It was reported from Abu Qataadah (R.A) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about fasting on the Day of ‘Arafaah. He said, “It expiates for the sins of the previous year and of the coming year.” Narrated by Muslim.

3. Reciting tahmeed, tahleel and takbeer a great deal: It is Sunnah to recite takbeer (saying Allaahu akbar (Allaah is most great)), tahmeed (saying al-hamdu Lillah (praise be to Allaah)), tahleel (saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah (There is no god but Allaah)) and tasbeeh (saying Subhaan-Allaah (Glory be to Allaah)), during the first ten days of Dhu’l-Hijjah, saying these words out loud in the mosques, homes, streets and every place in which it is permissible to remember Allaah, to perform this act of worship openly and proclaim the greatness of Allaah. Abu Hurairah R.A and Abdullah bin Umar (R.A) used to gout in the marketplace and start proclaiming out loudly and people used to follow!
Note: Men should recite out loud and women should recite quietly.
It was narrated from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There are no days that are greater before Allaah or in which good deeds are more beloved to Him, than these ten days, so recite a great deal of tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed during them.” Narrated by Ahmad, 7/224; its isnaad was classed as saheeh by Ahmad Shaakir.
Takbeer: Allaah akbar, Allaahu akbar, laa ilaaha ill-Allaah, Allaahu akbar, wa Lillaah il-hamd (Allaah is Most Great, Allaah is Most Great, there is no god but Allaah; Allaah is Most Great and to Allaah be praise).

4. Sacrifice: One of the righteous deeds that bring a person closer to Allaah in these ten days is to slaughter the sacrifice and to look for a good, fat animal and to spend money on it for the sake of Allaah ONLY. As it was the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) we ought to have the same feeling which he had while he was sacrificing his son in Allah’s way!
Note: The Prophet SAW said: "When you see the new moon of Dhu’l-Hijjah, if any one of you wants to offer a sacrifice, then he should stop cutting his hair and nails until he has offered his sacrifice." According to another report he said: "He should not remove (literally, touch) anything from his hair or skin." (reported by Muslim with four isnaads, 13/146).
May Allah give us the taufeeq to avail this chance and accept this minor effort from us, disregarding all weaknesses and shortcomings! Ameen!

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Yes. Prophets are alive. And living a great life with Allah subhana wata'aala. Their test (life of this world) is over. And they have reached their reward. But they have no connection to life of this world. They have transformed to a new phase of life known as 'Barzakh'. The literal meaning of the word barzakh is 'Barrier'. The name of this word itself suggests that anyone who passes onto barzakh i-e when he dies in the world, is screened from everything happening in world. Allah said in Holy Quran:
"and behind them is Barzakh (a barrier) until the Day when they will be resurrected." (23:100)

As for the life of this world. Then that phase is over for Prophets (alayhi salam ajmaeen) and they have died. But transformed to a new phase of life. Known as barzakh. Where they are alive, happy, leading a great life. And will stay there till the Day of Judgement. And Allah knows best.

Their life is different than life of this world and has no connection to it. People who say such things are la ilm. They do not have proper knowledge about different phases of life. 1st phase was aalam e irwah. When Allah Almighty gathered all spirits (irwah) and took a covenant from them:
" And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed and made them testify as to themselves (saying): "Am I not your Lord?" They said: "Yes! We testify." (7:172)

So all the irwah were alive in this phase. And heard Allah Almighty and took covenant with Him. But no one remembers what aalam e irwah looked like. No one remembers how Allah talked to us. No one. So its proven that it was a different phase of life which was not connected to life of this world. Neither is life of this world connected to aalam e irwah. There are still some spirits to enter this world (babies who are to born). And they still are in aalam e irwah. But they do not hear or see sights and sounds of this world. Similarly those who hav passed test of this life and have died are iin aalam e barzakh and they dont hear or see sights and sounds of this world and that life is completely different and not attached to life of this world.

You yourself think bro. Why would a human being, who has passed his test, made Allah happy, and reached his reward and leading an eternal life of bliss, want to come back to this world and get a new job (of listening to people and helping them)? This doesn't make sense and destroys the very purpose of JANNAH which is eternal happiness and no responsibility. Human being will be free there. In Eternal bliss. May Allah Almighty make us all among the inhabitants of jannah.
Allahumma inni as'alukal jannat al firdous. ameen

Aws ibn Aws relates: the prophet PBUH said,
"…so invoke more blessing on me that day (Friday) for your blessing will be submitted to me"
The people asked, "Apostle of Allah PBUH! How can it be that our blessing will be submitted to you while your body is decayed"
He replied,
"Allah the exalted has prohibited the earth from consuming the bodies of the prophets"
Sunan abo dawood vol 1, p 269, no 1042
Saheeh Abo dawood vol 1, p 196, no 925
Sanan ibn maajah vol 2, p 149, no 1085
Saheeh sunan ibn maajah vol 1, p 179, no 889

The correct belief regarding the life of the messenger of Allah PBUH in the grave after his death

1. The bodies of the prophets never become decayed because the earth can't consume them
2. They're alive in their grave but not in the same sense as they were in this world. The correct creed is that Muslim must believe that the prophets are alive but what kind of life they live is unknown and we are not to inquire about it.
3. There's no evidence which can prove that they hear the speech and salutation made to them directly. However what is clearly mentioned in the Hadith is that Allah has appointed the angels to collect the speech and salutation from the people and bring it to the messenger of Allah PBUH.
(The Etiquette of a Muslim on Friday by Abu Ibraheem Abdul Majid Alee Hassan, page. 23-29)
As the following Hadith explain
It is reported that the messenger of Allah PBUH said
"Allah has angels who travel about in the earth and convey to me greetings from my people"
Saheeh sunan an nasaaee vol 1, p 274, no 1215
This Hadith explain that it's the duty of angels to carry the invocation of the people to the messenger of Allah PBUH. Therefore there's no need to go to the grave of the messenger of Allah PBUH. In fact, prophet PBUH disliked gathering being made at his grave, it's also mention in Hadith
Abu Hurayrah reported that he had heard the messenger of Allah PBUH say,
"Don't turn your houses into graves and don't make my grave a place to gather for visitation but invoke blessing upon me for your blessing will reach me wherever you are"
Sunan Abu dawood vol 2, p 542-3, no 2037
Saheeh sunan Abu dawood vol 1, p 383, no 1796
There's another Hadith
Abu Hurayrah reported the messenger of Allah PBUH as saying
"If anyone of you greets me Allah will returns my soul to me and I respond to the greetings."
Sunan Abu dawood vol 2, p 542, no 2036
Saheeh sunan Abu dawood vol 1, p 383, no 1795

Allah knows best!

The durood is presented to Holy Prophet (pbuh) by angel jibrael (AS). Not that rasul Allah (s) himself listens to durood. Lets see the hadith and it will become clear to you insha Allah.
Aus bin Aus (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Among the best of your days is Friday; so supplicate Allah more often for me in it , for your supplications will be displayed to me.'' He was asked: "O Messenger of Allah! How will our blessings be displayed to you when your decayed body will have mixed with the earth?'' He (PBUH) replied, "Allah has prohibited the earth from consuming the bodies of the Prophets.''
[Abu Dawud].

Commentary: That "Allah has prohibited the earth from consuming the bodies of the Prophets'' means that the earth does not consume them. That "their Salat (salutations) will be presented to him'' indicates that angels present the salutation performed to him, as is elucidated in other Ahadith. Moreover, his soul is then returned to him and he answers the salutations also.

Now what this tells us is a very important fact of after life.
1- The body is in grave.
2- The soul is in barzakh.

You should know it. Its very common. Whenever someone dies tau kaha jata hai ke uski ruh farishtey le gaye. Ye kabi nahi koi kehta ke USKA JISM farishtey le gaye. Jism tau wahin ka wahin para hai. Asal mai tau ruh nikli hai. Aur ruh barzakh mai rahegi qayamat tak.

When we send durood on Holy Prophet (pbuh), then Allah returns his ruh to his body and durood is presented to him and he asnwers. You may ask the question that How is the possible? Then the answer scholars gave is that "Allah can do everything and nothing is difficult for Him. He makes his soul return to his body even if billions durood
are presented to him. He is presented with them and Allah can do it."

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I wanted to write a post on this topic long ago, but it got forgotten. So now writing and i request everyone to read it as its a very very important issue. It might get lengthy. I dont care. I should say it today. So here it goes.

Brothers & Sisters. PLEASE learn the art of differentiating between the CYBER WORLD and the REAL WORLD. Most of us are ignorant of this awareness that Cyber world is far more different than the real world. The name of the topic might have given you some idea of what that difference is. Internet is NOT the real world. Internet is a platform dependant on many factors which need to be taken into account. Internet has a BIIG problem. And you know what that problem is? Its the veil, the curtain which is between REAL PEOPLE behind the screen. This curtain blocks a very fundamental asset of human beings known as Emotions. You can't see how a person is feeling and what a person is doing. You can't know if the person is angry, sad, happy, frustrated etc etc while talking to you. Simply typing ":@ :) lol :-|" etc etc doesn't mean that this person is really feeling what he/she wrote. It maybe that a person is very upset and angry types the smile emoticon ":)" and everyone gets the impression that this person is very "Khush akhlaq" and based on this they form Judgements. It maybe that a person is very "Khush akhlaq" but he never makes the ":)" emoticon while talking, either because that person is not much aware with internet use or because his typing is not good or there can be other reasons. My point is:

You dont know because of the curtain between u and the other person, that what that person is doing. He/she might be busy doing a lots of other work while talking to you at internet. He/she might be upset at something and that might bring some harsh tone into that person's writing while talking to you. He/she might be unaware of proper internet usage and that might bring some unpleasant style of talking. For Allah's sake!!! STOP JUDGING OTHER PEOPLE THROUGH INTERNET!!

Another huge problem of the internet. A person might say something in anger at some time or because of frustration. If the same thing is said face to face, that person might rectify that at some time and clear the misconception. But what happens at internet? Whatever you say gets printed (saved) and a person might read what you wrote in anger or frustration after 1 week or 1 month or even a year, and say "OH! HOW ILL MANNERED THIS PERSON IS!" While in reality you had already rectified and did tawbah but the other person forms a judgement based on an old comment.

By Allah i have myself witnessed many people who talk at internet like they are the most harsh, dry people on earth. But i swear to Allah when i met them i felt that they are completely opposite of what they appear on internet. I myself have experienced so many such events. Internet is a plastic world and behind the screen a person has a lots of issues. Anyone who passes any judgemental comments about other people merely based on their Internet writings or comments, is a very strange person. Stop passing comments like "Yar ap ignore kar rahey hain." "Yar apney mje reply nahi kiya." "Yar ap nahayat hi batamiz insan hain." "Yar ap anti women hain."
I want to tell you people an incident i witnessed from my own eyes. I was eating lunch at a hotel and there was a person eating next to me. And he got a call at cell phone. It was his wife. He received the call and his hands were full of oil and he had to leave the food and he was still chewing food. And in that condition he received the call. Now because of all this unpleasant break (leaving delicious food and hand full of oil) his tone was effected and he talked a bit harshly with wife. Now tell me. What kind of a foolish person would form a judgement based on this that "OH THAT PERSON IS SO ANTI WOMEN. HE TALKS LIKE THAT WITH HIS WIFE!" while in reality that person could be a very good husband and his wife is satisfied with him. But this foolish judgemental person sitting next to him, who has no relation with this person what so ever and meeting that person for the first time, forms a judgement based on one 30 second phone call that "THIS PERSON TREATS HIS WIFE BADLY!".

Grow up my dear fellow muslims. There are so many issues at cyber world and u cannot treat cyber world as real world. Think many times before forming judgements about the other person. Some people pass such big comments and judgements, based on few glimpses of a person's talk at internet, that really hurt. One such comment was given to me:
ALLAH HU AKBAR!! Fear Allah people. What is wrong with you? You know not a bit about the other person in REAL LIFE and you say such sentences. SUBHAN ALLAH!

The solution i see to all this dilemma we all are facing is given in the hadith, which is:
1- Talk less.
2- Talk good or dont talk.

But what to do when people form a judgement even on this that this person is really harsh?
Sad. Very sad.

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Brothers and Sisters in Islam!
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
I wanted to share something really important today with all of you especially with those who are studying Islamic Sciences from a teacher or a scholar.
It is a human psyche that from whoever a person gets inspiration or becomes a fan of him, somehow he would always speak in his favor or try to defend him even if he is wrong. It happens with the scholars as well. Like if someone is inspired by Imam Albani (R.A) he would always try to favor his opinion somehow and would be offended by any opinion against him. It is indeed the love which Allah bore in our hearts for such great scholars but unfortunately Satan uses it for WRONG.
I went through the same stage and it usually happens when a person is new to Islamic Sciences. My favorite scholar in the history is Sheikh Al Islam Imam Ibn e Taimiyyah (R.A) and I feel proud when sometimes I quote him and feel my heart opened for him when I read his books. Once in my اصول الفقه Class we discussed the issue of فاتحة خلف الامام and in it I was told that Imam Ibn e Taimiyyah had different opinion of it and my teacher gave references against it and there were clear Ahadith which went against his opinion. When I heard this, I was really offended and I started arguing and questioning him and forgot the fact that no one in this world is معصوم and it was only Prophet of Allah who could not make mistake as he was directly guided by وحي. But as I learned more and more I realized this point that this is which distinguishes between us and Muqallideen. Every scholar have some strange opinions which sometimes when found out we cannot imagine that how he gave such a Fatwa. BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS THIS IS WHAT MAKES DIFFERENTIATES BETWEEN A PROPHET AND A NORMAL HUMAN BEING.
WHY DO WE THINK IMAM ALBANI OR SHEIKH BIN BAAZ OR DR. BILAL PHILIPS OR DR. ZAKIR NAIK CAN NEVER MAKE MISTAKE? You can say that we don’t but why do we act as if we do believe? Why is it so, when someone gives US any reference or opinion against our teacher or scholar, we read the comment with critical eye and search for mistakes in his comment and try our best to find some logical answer to favor the opinion of our Scholar?
As Sheikh Saleh Al-Usaimeen said that when we are saying something against their opinion on the basis of evidence indeed we are following their path as they did the same and it is what they always taught us that they are also humans and we ought to evaluate their opinions in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
Sometimes it happens that we find the other opinion stronger, but just because we assume that he would be disgraced if his opinion is proved wrong, we deny it. So my dearest brothers and sisters please never get offended when a person quotes any better opinion or proof against our scholar. They all are same for us and they were humans like us and they can make mistake and we Love them equally. So always read with an unbiased observation. and while you feel something in you rising against it, just close your eyes and say out loudly that I would follow only دليل (Evidence) and my scholar can make mistake.
In this way a person would never be lead astray otherwise a person may be lead to something from where he might not be able to come out…
جزاكم الله خيرا
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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Asalam o alaikum wr wb. Had been thinking since long time to start something on aqeeda. Most books on this topic, according to people, are dry (i dont mean to say 'not good'! Who am i to say that to books written by great scholars). What i mean is, most people do not read them because they believe they are hard to understand and do not attract the attention of readers immediately. So i would like to share one statement of a great scholar which sums the aqeedah of a Muslim and will make it easier for everyone to understand insha Allah.

Imaam Aboo ‘Amr al-Awzaa‘ee (rahima ullah) said:
“Stick to the tracks of the predecessors even if people reject you. And beware of the opinions of people even if they beautify them with speech."
(Authentically narrated by Ibn ‘Abdil-Barr in Jaami‘ Bayaan al-‘Ilm, vol. 2, p. 114 and by al-Haafiz ath-Thahabee in Siyar A‘laam al-Nubalaa, vol. 7, p. 120.)

This one statement is so Jame'aa (illustrating and vast) that if we ponder over it, we will grasp the understanding of what the aqeedah of a Muslim should be.

"Tracks of predecessors" mean (footsteps of our salaf i-e Sahaba, Tabieen, Taba Tabieen and great scholars who followed them). Even if people call us "Extremists, Mullahs, Fools" or whatever, we should follow that. This is a touch stone test for understanding Islam. Just like to see if gold is pure or not, a test known as 'touch stone test' is done. Similarly when understanding Islam, this is the criteria. We have to see that if we are understanding the Quran, hadith according to the understanding of the salaf or according to our thinking and of those who beautify their speeches for show off?

Speech can have magic on anyone. Today we see, many so-called scholars and philosophers and doctors and researchers coming on television channels and explaining Islam according to their understanding with beautiful words and attractive speech. And some coming and degrading Islam with the power of speech. Sadly those whose aqeedah is not strong and who do not realize this rule "understanding deen like our salaf understood" get impressed by those so-called scholars philosophers etc etc. So always remember these two things.
1- Understanding deen (everything related to deen i-e Quran interpretation, Hadith interpretation or anything related to Islam) the way Salaf (sahaba, tabieen, taba tabieen and those scholars who followed them) understood and explained.
2- Not to get impressed by mere speech and personal opinions of people even if they are very attractive and full of scientific terms. But look back to the way of salaf and see if they understood it like these speakers are explaining or not.

Allah Almighty gave this rule in the Holy Quran:
“Whoever contradicts the Messenger after guidance has been made clear to him, and follows a way other than that of the believers, I will leave him to his own means, and put him in hell; an evil end.” (Soorah an-Nisaa’, 4: 115)

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Sometimes we say things and pay no heed to how it effects our Faith. In our daily lives, many things are done JUST FOR FUN, or at least thats what we think, but does Allah bear it? well I think FUN is the word Allah disregards????!!!!
Indeed FUN is regarded hideous, when it comes to serious matters. I do not need to explain what psychological effects it creats when a person is saying something serious and the listener throws a joke in return!

Islam is really serious about the word ‘FUN’! Salaf had agreed on declaring a person ‘Kafir’ (infidel) who makes fun of any matter of Deen. Sheikh ul Islam Imam Ibn e Taimiyyah, Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, and others described this point in their scripts and declared such people as Kuffar. The evidence they give is:
Abdullah bin Wahab said, Hisham bin Saad informed me, Zaid bin Aslam narrated, Abdullah bin Umar R.A narrated, in the battle of ‘Tabook’ a person said in one gathering, I have never seen people with such plumpy bellies like our Qurras (reciters) have, nor did I see any big liar than them and nor did I meet anyone having such arrogance while meeting. A man of Masjid said, you lied and you are a hypocrite, I will surely tell this to the Prophet of Allah – and he did. The Verses of Quran revealed. Abdullah bin Umar R.A said, I saw him being dragged by the reigns of the Prophet’s camel (in order to get the attention of the Prophet) and was being tumbled by the rocks and trying to justify:

إنما كنا نخوض ونلعب
"We were only conversing and playing”

The Prophet of Allah said:
قل اباالله وأياته ورسوله كنتم تستهزءون * لا تعتذروا قد كفرتم بعد ايمانكم * التوبة 65
“Say, "Is it Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking?"Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after your belief.”

Isnt this exactly what we say to our religious figures? Molvis do this, they have the most plumpiest bellies, they lie, atleast we are better than them, etc! Same is the case with a person who keeps a beard and a sister who starts wearing Hijaab; we just mock them and try our best to redicule them with the words like Molvi (though it isnt a bad word, but now it is used for mockery) and others. In actual we are mocking ourselves because it is we, who do not follow the commands of Allah and not the one whom we are mocking, because in this case he is a lot better than us, because unlike us atleast he looks like a Muslim.  It is a human nature, when a person lacks something, he tries to find errors in others, who do not lack and this way he tries to satisfy himself. When a person keeps a beard, his brothers and friends would surely mock him for the very same reason, because there would be a voice in them cursing them and they would definitely defy him and in this way sometimes lose their Iman.

My topic is general, but the example of beard is so common that I would like to present it as for the common issue:
Sheikh Bin Baaz was asked about the person who makes fun of the fellow Muslim who had kept the beared. He answered thus:
This is different, if he targets the beard which is an order of Allah and is a part of Deen, surely he had commited apostacy (because apostacy is not only commited by words but certain actions also lead towards it, like to spit purposely on Quran, to walk on it and make fun of Deen), as Allah SWT said:
قل أبا الله وآياته ورسوله كنتم تستهزءون * لا تعتذروا قد كفرتم بعد ايمانكم * التوبة
“Say, "Is it Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking?" Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after your belief.”

But if his aim is not Deen, rather he is targetting the person for any other reason (like he did not comb it properly), even then it is not allowed in any case and a person is in danger, because at any time he can mistakenly enter into Kufar (infidelity). (Majmo’ Fatawa bin Baaz 28/365, 366)
Sheikh Saleh Al Munajjid declared it as a ‘Fisq’ if not targetted Beard, but if it is done, then Kufar.

So my brothers and sisters in Islam! We must take care of it, because we go too far in making fun of such things and it is more dangerous for us as we are Muslims and we must defend at any case our religious figures and the orders of Allah and must respect them. If we do not respect, then how can we expect from the people of other religions to respect us. I agree that there are number of so called religious figures who have disgraced the name of Islam by their actions, but let me ask you, does it allow you to mock this respectable title of Deen – ‘Molvi’? Islam is not what people practice and what their actions present, it is Quran and the life of our Prophet. The word Molvi is derived from ‘Mawla’ which is the name of Allah SWT and the word ‘Molvi’ means a person referred to Mawla. The reference is towards Allah and was indeed a blessed title until British came to the subcontinent and started bearing hatred in the hearts of the Muslims for those, who were the main threat to their existance. Remember when we are saying the Molvi is bad, it means we are targetting Islam.
For example, when we say that the son of so and so is bad, the reason we make the name of the father prominent is that we want to direct this to the father. Which means we target the father more than the son. Same is the case with islamic figures, when we say, that Molvi is bad we direct this to Islam, otherwise there is no logical reason why the name Molvi is pointed rather than calling him by his own name to specify his own personality only. 
Similarly, the Fatwah of Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A) is well known as he said, if anyone rejoices while looking at himself in the mirror after shaving his beard, he becomes Kafir, because he feels happiness on disobeying Allah, instead of being ashamed of himself which is (an act of treason) BEWARE my brothers BEWARE!
Similarly, when a person tries to tell us something about Islam, we start making fun of him, like start asking too much questions or annoying him by asking too much stupid questions which also leads to Kufar sometimes and if a person dies in this state, we all know what he shall face!
Furthermore, we see many jokes forwarded on text messages on Hell fire, paradise, molvis, etc. We must fear Allah and immediately remove those text messgaes. We do not even care while making a funny joke on fire, and we all laugh vigorously on it whereas Sahabah used to cry and faint after hearing the name of Hell fire, but what do we do???!!!! We do not pay attention and ague, come on its just a JOKE!

Here are some important Suggestions:
-Whenever someone tries to say something about Islam, we must listen carefully with respect and humility. Be serious and do not defy or refute in any case, unless there is a problem with that and you have an evidence from Quran and Sunnah against what he said. If you do not have the evidence and proof, stay silent and accept it with heart unless you find out the proof against it, because the person is representing Allah and His Prophet:

يأيها الذين آمنوا لا ترفعوا اصواتكم فوق صوت النبي ولا تجهروا له بالقول كجهر بعضكم لبعض ان تحبط اعمالكم وأنتم لا تشعرون * الحجرات 2
“O you who have believed, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet or be loud to him in speech like the loudness of some of you to others, lest your deeds become worthless while you perceive not.”

Raising the voice means to give more value to your statements than the Hadith of the Prophet as described by Prophet of Allah himself when a companion stopped speaking after the revealation of this verse as he thought his voice to be louder than the Prophet’s. Therefore, to give logics and defying the Saheeh Hadith of the Prophet or the verses of Quran is strongly condemned by Islam and a person at anytime can enter into Kufar.
The Salaf had Ijmaa on this Point that refuting or defying any order of Allah intentioally is an apostacy. However, if a person accepts everything by heart but does not fulfill or carry out the commands of Allah and His Prophet, due to laziness or weakness of Faith, then he would be a sinful not Kafir.

-Similarly whoever laughs or jokes on your beard or anything Islamic, try your best to change the topic in order to save him from commiting Kufar.

-Whenever you meet with any ignorant, who do not pay much importance to Islam, say Salam and pass away silently and forbear!As Allah SWT said:
واذا خاطبهم الجاهلون قالوا سلاما * الفرقان
“and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace,”

-never ever argue without knowledge and especially with Scholars as they are much knowledgeable and know things which you may not be able to know after spending a long period, but yes the discussion is allowed with all due respect.
الذين يجادلون فى آياتنا بغير سلطان أتاهم كبر مقتا عند الله وعند الذين آمنوا كذالك يطبع الله على كل قلب متكبر جبار * الغافر 35
“Those who dispute (argue) concerning the signs of Allah without an authority having come to them - great is hatred [of them] in the sight of Allah and in the sight of those who have believed. Thus does Allah seal over every heart [belonging to] an arrogant tyrant.”

May Allah show us the right path and save us from such dangers which may become the cause of elimination of our deeds and our Islam! Ameen!

(by: Abu Jammaz)
(Please join us on FB: Islamic Brothers)

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Prostitutes are better than actresses cuz their sin is within the four walls, but these actresses accept huge sum of money to reveal almost all of their body in the movies, act out intimate and adult scenes on TV which is then viewed by millions all over the world in bigger than life size screens which is known to ppl as cinemas...the youth watcch it, the shaitaan incites them and they want to do the same stuff and feel tht same pleasure wich they saw on the big screen...this is the start of a chain reaction which has sowed the seed of zina among the ppl who were watching all that...

Thats why Allah in his infinite wisdom commanded the ummah in the Quran to not even get close to Zina...

We muslims shud start spreading awareness about the evils of movies and their impact on the mentality and intelligence of the younger generation. These movies are making the kids slaves of their sexual desires wich they want to now full fill in the haram way bcuz the halal way is not exciting (as compared to what the saw on the big screen)

We cannot support this industry by paying for their cinema ticket or purchasing their original DVDs.

If we now reflect on the statement of Iblees when he challenged ALlah that i will approach your men from the front, back, left and right...we realise that he has encourage mankind over generations to develop a system where each and every 'so called' important elements of life are nothing but invitation towards satanic deviations without the human being realising what is going on unless its too late...

We want our daughters to be Khadijah, Ayesha and Fathima...not Munni and Shela.

by brother Muhammad Iqbal on Bollywood Movies

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Early Marriage : 

‎"This world is just temporary conveniences, and the best comfort in this world is a righteous women."Sahih Muslim 10/56, Kitab al-rida', bab istihbab nikah al-bikr. so this proves that where theres marriage in early age, then there Fahashi is driven out with a smooth kick on its back

People say studies r hurdles to marriage and money too..thers no such hurdle dear frnds..take the examples from Prophets life..NIKAH can be done early and the RUKHSATI later. Thats the solution.
Then wen Prophet S married, for the occasion, ther was usually a 1 dish thing wenever he didnt hav enuf money Sahabah Brot the dishes and wtever they could offer and this was how it was done wen Prophet S didnt hav enuf money for the occasion and he never had enuf money for HIMSELF. but yes fr EVERybody else who was poor and miskeen (orphan).


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A Unique method of daawah:

"Yesterday I was going to lahore with my brother in law's cousin, in his car. So during the way i wanted to talk on prayer and to do dawah to him about praying and aqeeda. I didn't want to make the topic boring and say it in a dry style that he listens and then just think that "maulvi kehtey rehtay hain." Actually i observed my mosque imam sb who calls a person and directly says to him "Yar ap namaz kyu nahi parhtey?" And then he starts telling that person bundles of ahadith in a style like a chaudry telling a servant to do something. And embarrasing that person a lot and throwing too much on him. So i do not like this style. Therefore i thought of a strange hikma during the travel, which i want to share here :P I dont know if its good but it was very interesting experience that's why want to share.

I know a lot about free masons (new world order, capitalism, globalisation etc), jinns and magic. And i have talked to many people and given them demonstration of these three topics in details and related them. And ive observed that these topics really develop interest of the listeners and they become very excited. So i started with Free masons. He didn't know anything. So i first told him who they are, how they operate. Then told him about a former free mason "Roger marneau" who gave an interview and told some secrets about them (available at youtube). I told him that he was told in the gathering that he will be able to meet his dead parents and he really did meet. Later on he said that "i came to know they weren't actually my parents. They were demons who disguised my parents." So here i got a chance to talk of aqeeda. I told him that spirits cannot come back to the world and cannot listen to us and cant help us. Its actually jinns who can disguise them and fake peers use these jinns to deceive people.

Then i started talking about jinns and magic and jinn possession. He also told me some incidents related to jinns. He himself asked me ke jinns se protection ke liye kia karna chahiye. And here i got the chance. So i told that bey namazi people are prone to jinn possessions. People who pray five times are naturally protected by Allah Almighty and jinns run miles away from such a person. Then i told some other benefits of prayers and Alhamdulila it was very effective. Then i told him another important part of aqeeda. I told him about astrologers and how they operate. I told him about qareen (our companion jinn) and that astrologers and magicians call our qareen through theirs and they do meeting and ur qareen tells him everything about u since he knows u from childhood, therefore the astrologer or magician is able to predict a lot of things about u and tell u a lot about urself. So here i told him about fortune telling and horoscopes. Then i also mentioned that anyone who says Jinn is under my control is a liar. Because Hazrat Suleiman (AS) prayer to Allah to not give a kingdom like his to anyone else. So jinns were only under Hazrat Suleiman's control (by Allah's will) and jinns always take some work from u and then do urs. So Alhamdulila i explained him so much. It was a very interesting and useful talk :D."
(Mohammad Ali)

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                                                                                  WORDS ARE LIKE BULLETS
Of all the powerful weapons of destruction that man has invented, the most terrible – and the most cowardly – is the word.

Knives and firearms leave traces of blood.
Bombs shake whole buildings and streets.
Poisons can always be detected.

But a destructive word can provoke Evil without leaving behind it a single clue.
Children are subject to years of conditioning by their parents, artists are mercilessly pilloried, women are systematically undermined by remarks made by their husbands, the faithful are kept apart from religion by those who judge themselves capable of interpreting the voice of God.

Check to see if you yourself are using this weapon.
Check to see if someone is using this weapon on you.

And put a stop to both.

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‎"O Sister, O you who spends hours infront of the mirror looking at herself,dont you know that ALLAH is watching you as you are sitting there or standing there.. 

O Sister who spends such large sums of money at the salon for the party, or the streets, 


O Sister I fear for you a Punishment, O sister I fear for you that you think that you will not die, WALLAHI YOU WILL DIE.

O Sister, Wallahi the guy you love, and who loves you, no matter how much you pay him, HE WILL NEVER WANT TO SPEND A NIGHT WITH YOU IN THE GRAVE!!!!" 

Shaykh Mohammad Elshinawy]

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Asalam o alaikum wr wb brothers & sisters

Its been long since i read some wake up call in this group. Something which could act as a strict reminder for all of us. So here i am trying to share something which really left me with mixed feelings of awe and fear. By Allah when i read about it, i felt it is for me. So i will share it with u people as a reminder too.

We all offer prayers daily and recite surah fatiha daily. I read something great about Surah Fatiha. Surah Fatiha is the first chapter of Quran and it defines the importance of knowledge and describes three types of people who have knowledge. 

The first type is صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ
"the path of those upon whom You have bestowed Your favor." This category is represented in those who combine useful knowledge along with righteous deeds. These are the ones whom Allah has guided to the straight path because they after acquiring knowledge, also acted on it and Allah keeps them steadfast.
The second type is غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ"those who have evoked Your anger." This category is represented in those who learn useful knowledge but do not act accordingly. These are the ones who evoked Allah anger, like the jews.
The third type is الضَّالِّينَ
"those who are astray." This category is represented in those who act without having knowledge i-e useful and correct knowledge.

Now brothers & sisters, some ignorant people mistakenly believe that these two qualites i-e those who invoke Allah's anger and those who went astray, are restricted to Jews and the Christians only, forgetting that Allah commands us to recite these verses and seek refuge from such a condition, daily atleast 17 times (counting only fard rakahs). Now what shook me was the attribute of Jews. I just felt that this applies to me. We gain a lot of knowledge, share a lot of knowledge, talk a lot about Islam. But the question is. Is our life according to Islam? Are we not acting like the jews who had the knowledge but yet they turned away from Allah's obedience and didn't act? Are we practicing what we preach? Or are we also like the jews:

"Then do you believe in a part of the Scripture and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment." (2:85)

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